Resurrection Life Church Mid Michigan provides a meaningful and dignified way to express sympathy or respect. If you would like your gift to be used in this manner, please complete the Tribute or Memorial form. Tribute gifts of $250.00 or more will be added to the giving tree located in the church commons area. The name of the individual or family will be displayed on a laser engraved plaque. Your information will be kept confidential. Once submitted, Pastor Lopez will receive your Tribute / Memorial information directly.
Honor the memory of a loved one or pay tribute to the life of someone who was special to you by making a memorial gift to The Gift Goes On campaign. With your one time donation of $250 or more, your loved one will be memorialized on our wall tree displayed in the Café area.
Special cards for Memorial Contributions are available in The Gift Goes On kiosk. If you’d like, we will send a note to the family or the contact you provide acknowledging your generous gift.
Honorary gifts are a meaningful way to express respect and appreciation for someone special in your life. Gifts can also be made to commemorate happy occasions and accomplishments of a loved one. You can honor your family, friends and loved ones at any time by making a donation to The Gift Goes On campaign. Simply complete the special card available in the kiosk.
When you give an honorary gift of $250 or more, the name of the individual or family will be displayed on the wall tree located in the commons area. Please indicate on the card if you would like us to notify the honoree of your gift and lasting tribute. The amount of your gift is always confidential.