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Encounter Youth Group

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The Encounter Youth Program at Resurrection Life Church is a powerful ministry for Gratiot County’s High School and Middle School students. Students attending Encounter youth are encouraged to “Encounter God, Follow God and Share God” with others.

Students 6th-12th grade meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. We start with a meal, at 7:00 we move into the Encounter game room and lounge where age appropriate games and meaningful bible study happens. We wrap up at 8:00 pm.

The Encounter Youth Team supports students in their Christian walk through facilitating youth gatherings, special events, small groups and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Life Group is a home fellowship made up of 10-16 people who meet weekly to share, study and support one another. A trained leader and host lead each group. An average meeting lasts for an hour and a half, followed by light refreshments.

Here at Resurrection Life Church Life Groups are the hub of our ministry. They're the place where the real ministry of the church takes place as we study God's Word, while supporting and sharing our lives with one another. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is time well spent.

Life Groups meet on various nights of the week in homes throughout Gratiot County and beyond. Most evening groups meet 6-8 pm.

Each Life Group session lasts 9 to 11 weeks. We have Fall, Winter & Spring sessions. At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group or even taking a break. Most groups stay together throughout the entire year. Life Groups do not meet formally mid-June through August although they are encouraged to continue in relationship by sharing meals and summer activities.

Joining a Life Group requires a 9 to 11 week commitment to attend weekly meetings. Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts and other special events, but not much more. This commitment is the key to a strong Life Group. You have the first three weeks to attend the group to make sure it's a good fit for you.

Most of the studies are based on the previous weekend's message. These "sermon-based" Life Groups are built on a group discussion about Sunday’s message. A brief video of Pastor Rick sharing a snapshot nugget from the message will be viewed. The Life Group leader will then facilitate a discussion about the message.

Few things in life are free and Life Groups are no exception! The cost of Life Groups is the cost of commitment. During the first meeting, each group will complete a "covenant" together. Part of that commitment is the promise to attend each week and to attend the quarterly church-wide fellowship and do one service project for the year. You have the first three weeks to decide if your group is a good fit for you.

When you join a Life Group, you're promising to attend each week. It's this commitment that makes Life Groups work. We realize it's a big commitment, but it only lasts for 9 - 11 weeks. At the end of each quarter, you have the choice of recommitting for another quarter, trying a new group, or taking a break from Life Groups altogether.

Life Groups are for adults only. (Exceptions can be made for nursing newborns, up to six months.)

For groups meeting in homes it often works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose Life Group meets on a different evening.

When selecting a group, we strongly recommend you choose a group based on its leader-host team and Station-in-Life (common stage in life), rather than its location. Life Groups do best when members share a common Station-in-Life and other interests with their leaders, hosts, and other group members. In the end, you'll find it's worth the drive! Our groups are divided in the following Station-in-Life (stage of life) groupings:

1.) Couples
2.) Ladies
3.) Empty Nesters
4.) All Ages
5.) Young Families

Remember, these Station-in-Life groupings are meant to help you self-select an appropriate group for you. They are not intended to box you in. If you have any questions (especially if you are new to Resurrection Life Church), please don't hesitate to call the church, and we will gladly assist you. Keep in mind that it might take two or three groups before you find the perfect fit, but don't worry, you'll find it!.

Before each Life Group quarter begins there are three ways to sign up for a group - online, at our weekend service, or by calling the church office. During the weekend service, Life Group leaders are available at the sign-up tables to help you choose a group and answer any questions. There are three sign-up weekends before the beginning of our Fall Quarter in September, and two sign-up weekends before our Winter Quarter in January and our Spring Quarter in April.

Yes, Encounter Youth Ministry will offer small groups for students.

Need Prayer?

If this is an emergency please call our church office 989-681-5731 Ext: 1 for the Emergency Prayer Hotline.

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Winter Book Study: Craving Connections

Order Craving Connections Here!

How could your life be different after prayerfully and intentionally connecting with God, friends and your community? Join us and see... Craving Connection is a journey where (in)courage writers share real-life stories, practical Scripture application and connection challenges that will encourage you to find out how different it can be.

Hello ladies, in our lesson 6 we talk about your unique gift and your place in the body of Christ. Below are a couple of free links to do an online spiritual gifts test.  I encourage you to take one of them and check out the results.  

Craving Connections Video Lessons


Get Your Book Below!

You'll Want A Study Guide Too!

Are your thoughts holding you captive? Jennie Allen knows what it’s like to swirl in a spiral of destructive thoughts, such as I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. But Jennie also knows we don’t have to stay stuck in toxic thinking patterns.As she discovered in her own life, God built a way for us to escape that downward spiral. Freedom comes when we refuse to be victims to our thoughts and realize we have already been equipped with power from God to fight and win the war for our minds.

In Get Out of Your Head, a six-session video-based Bible study, Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways.

It starts in your head. And from there, the possibilities are endless.

Sessions include:

1.)Introduction: Spiraling Out

2.)Make the Shift

3.)Weapons We Use, Part I

4.)Weapons We Use, Part II

5.)A New Way to Live

6.)A Mind Like Christ

Cori Hagoort - Women's Ministry Leader

Contact:Phone 989-681-5731 ext 3


Book cover of When God Doesn't Fix It

In this time of uncertainty, when it feels like God is silent in our country or He has not heard our prayers we wonder why.  In a time of tragedy, a death, a horrific accident, or upsetting news from the doctor, we sometimes can not understand why? Why does it seem like God is not "fixing" it? We look at our difficult circumstances or the uncertainty of our future and wonder is it possible that good things can come out of our broken dreams or devastation?

Grammy Award-winning songwriter Laura Story had a fairy-tale life---until her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Can blessings arise from broken dreams? This book tackles the common myths about God and hardship, she examines what happens when life doesn't turn out as we expect.

Join us every other Thursday starting February 11th at 6:00 at Rezlife.  Get your own book with the links below.

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